Bus Transportation Information
Bus Transportation for All Roosevelt Students Attending Burch Creek, H. Guy Child, and Uintah Hosting Schools
Morning Pickup:
Bus Stop #1 - 350 West 5100 South
Bus Stop #2 - 125 East 5350 South
Students need to be at the Bus Stops by 8:15 a.m. Buses will pick up shortly afterward.
Students may go to the bus stop closest to their home.
Students will line up on sidewalks.
Bikes/Scooters must be left in racks, not on lawn.
Buses will arrive at schools around 8:30 a.m. Students who plan on eating breakfast at school will be able to do so before going to their classroom.
After school drop off:
Buses will depart from schools and should arrive at the bus stops by approximately 3:35 p.m. on M, T, Th, & F.
On Wednesdays and other Early Out Days, buses should arrive at the bus stops by approximately 12:35 p.m.