Superintendent Summer Math & Reading
Did you know that having a solid reading & math foundation is vital for your child's academic and future success?
*A note from our Superintendent, Gina Butters
Superintendent’s Summer Reading Program 2024- 2025
Students: Because we know that reading is the most important skill you can develop, your teachers, principal and I encourage you to read this summer.
Parents: We recognize that family involvement in education is crucial for children to succeed in school and life. Please read with your children daily. Spend time discussing the stories, characters, places, events, and words. Encourage your children to read on their own. Share conversation over meals and other times the family is together. Children’s listening vocabulary enhances their reading vocabulary.
Students who have read at least 10 appropriate grade-level books or 1,000 pages during the summer will be given a certificate of accomplishment when they return to school in the fall.
Kindergarten Parents -Please Note:
We would like to inform all parents of incoming kindergarten students about a great opportunity to encourage summer reading. It is the “Superintendent’s Summer Reading Award.”
At the end of every school year, we give this form/information out to all the K-5 students to work on over the summer. We want you to know that this program is also available for your incoming kindergarten student.
For your children to earn the “Superintendent’s Summer Reading Award” they need to read 10 books or you can read 10 books to them. Then, fill out this form (link found below) and turn it in to the school.
Have fun reading!!!
Superintendent Gina Butters
Download and print out the following forms to have your child get an award from our superintendent for their hard work over the summer!! The Superintendent and district personnel will be at Country View to read and hand out these hard-earned awards to any student who turns in the forms, filled out and signed by a parent/guardian. Don't miss out!!