TSSA 2024-2025

Teacher and Student Success Plan  2024-2025

School Information
Name of Administrator: Heather Hales
Name of School: Roosevelt Elementary

Goal #1:
In reading, our goal is for 66% of students in grades K-6 to achieve typical or above typical growth on end-of-year (EOY) 2025 Acadience Reading assessments as measured by Acadience Pathways of Progress.

Goal #1 Action Steps

  1. Support will be provided by paraprofessionals during Tier II reading instruction, including time spent monitoring student progress. ($25,000)

  2. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review student data and strategize reading/language arts instruction. This collaborative team time will be created by providing students a set of rotation classes. Aide time will be provided to teach rotation classes. ($11,000)

  3. Educational technology and online reading programs will be utilized to increase student engagement, promote learning, and assess student reading progress. ($8,400)

  4. Stipends will be provided to teachers and paraprofessionals for participating in professional development. The costs of substitutes and materials will be covered for professional development participation.($4,000)

Goal # 1 Measures of Success
Acadience Reading progress monitoring will occur weekly, biweekly, or monthly as determined by student level of need. Acadience reading assessments will be administered to students at the beginning, middle, and end of year to measure student progress.

Goal #2
In math, our goal is for 66% of students in grades K-6 to achieve typical or above typical growth on end-of-year (EOY) 2024 Acadience Math assessments.

Goal #2 Action Steps

  1. Support will be provided by paraprofessionals during Tier II math instruction, including time spent monitoring student progress. ($13,000)

  2. Teachers will meet weekly in collaborative teams to review student data and strategize reading/language arts instruction. This collaborative team time will be created by providing students a set of rotation classes. Aide time will be provided to teach rotation classes. ($11,000)

  3. Educational technology and online math programs will be utilized to increase student engagement, promote learning, and assess student math progress. ($5,500)

  4. An online science program will be purchased, allowing students to practice math skills in a cross-curricular approach through the use of this program.($1,800)

  5. Stipends will be provided to teachers and paraprofessionals for participating in professional development. The costs of substitutes and materials will be covered for professional development participation.($4,000)

Goal # 2 Measures of Success:
Acadience math progress monitoring will occur monthly. Acadience math assessments will be administered to students at the beginning, middle, and end of year to measure student progress.

Goal #3
For student behavior, our goal is for students in grades 3-6 to increase the favorable perception of student self-management from 67% to 70% as measured by the Spring 2025 Panorama Education Surveys.

Goal #3 Action Step

  1. Time will be provided by our school’s mental health therapist two days a week. ($10,000)

  2. Time will be provided by paraprofessionals to support the implementation of a schoolwide positive behavior plan and support students identified with behavior needs, enabling them to learn and practice behavior strategies that positively impact individual and classroom learning. ($6,000)

  3. Resources will be supplied to implement a schoolwide positive behavior plan. ($4,000)

  4. Schoolwide participation in the Leader In Me Program will be implemented. Leader In Me K-6 materials will be purchased to support classroom instruction. ($3,000)

  5. Leader In Me online participation fee will be purchased to support classroom instruction. ($3,000)

  6. Panorama Education subscriptions will be purchased to facilitate instruction on social skills and mental health wellness for grades 3-6. ($500)

Goal #3 Measures of Success
Monitoring of office referrals and Tier 2 student supports will inform progress toward the student behavior goal. Panorama Education surveys will be administered to students in grades 3-6 at the beginning (Fall 2024 Survey) and end (Spring 2025 Survey) of the school year.

Stakeholder Involvement
Who was involved in developing this plan? 
Collaborative Leadership Team
Community Council Members

Administrator Signature
Signature : Heather Hales Date: July 12, 2024