TSSA Plan 2020-2021
Teacher and Student Success Plan 2020-2021
Goal # 1
At least 64% of students in grades kindergarten through 6th grade will show typical or above typical growth, using Acadience.
Goal #1 Action Steps
1- The classroom teachers will provide high quality uninterrupted Tier I English Language Arts (ELA) instruction daily by creating a school-wide master schedule
2-Our Instructional Coach will attend all PLCs and coach teachers kindergarten through 6th grade on how to provide best practices for Tier I instruction in ELA.
3-Three para professional were hired and will continue for the 2020-2021 school year. They will provide small group Tier II and Tier III intervetions and enrichment to students for reading. This will be for all kindergarten through 6th grade students.
4- Students will be assessed three times a year and progress monitored at least monthly. Data will be used to create small groups for Tier II and Tier III interventions and enrichment.
5 - The paraprofessionals schedule will also allow time for their help in progress monitoring students as needed.
6- We will purchase the IXL licenses for grades 3rd - 6th.
7 - Students will have access to the Imagine Learning ELA computer program. The licenses are for all grades
8- Acadience, IXL data, and Imagine Learing data will be discussed during grade level PLCs and students will receive Tier II and Tier III interventions and enrichment during small group instruction. These groups will be fluid and changed as data shows progress or the need for an intervention.
9 - The students will use leased Chromebooks for IXL and Imagine Learning ELA programs. $2,500.00 will be used to cover part of the lease expenses of the Chromebooks.
10 - A stipend will be paid to one of our resource teachers for continuing to work with her special ed. students during the summer months.
11- Substitutes will be used to cover classes of teachers who are given the opportunities to attend professional development trainings or observe in other teachers' classrooms.-The tudents will use leased Chromebooks for IXL and Imagine Learning ELA programs. $2,500.00 will be used to cover part of the lease expenses of the Chromebooks.
Goal #1 Expenditure Category
☒ School personnel stipends
☒ Professional learning
☒ Additional school employees
☐ Social and emotional learning support
☐ College and career readiness skills
☐ Student leadership development
☒ Technology
☐ Before – or after – school programs
☐ Community support programs or partnerships
☐ Early childhood education
☐ Class size reduction strategies
☐ other Click or tap here to enter text.
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
Goal # 1 Measures of Success
We will use Acadience scores three times a year to determine if students kindergarten through 6th grade are making adequate yearly progress. At lease 64% of our students will make typical or above typical growth. Studetns who are at the intensive level will be progress monitored every two weeks. Students who are at the intensive level will be progress monitored every two weeks. Students who are at the strategic level and on level will be progress monitored every 4 weeks.
Goal #2
At least 80% of students in grades kindergarten through 6th grade will show at least 45% growth, or will achieve 100% on the math SGA.
Goal #2 Action Steps
1- The classroom teachers will provide high quality uninterrupted Tier I math instruction daily by creating a school-wide master schedule.
2- Our instructional Coach will attend all PLCs and coach teachers kindergarten through 6th grade on how to provide best practices for Tier I instruction in math.
3 - Three para-professionals were hired and will continue for the 2020-2021 school year. They will provide small group Tier II and Tier III intervention and / or enrichment to students for math in Kindergarten through 6th grade.
4 - All students will be assessed three times a year using the grade level math SGA. Those students not making growth will be provided with Tier II and Tier III intervention and / or enrichment. These groups will be fluid and changed as data shows progress or the need for an intervention.
5 - 1st through 6th grade will use one to one devices of Chromebooks (440 students) to access math programs such as ALEKS, IXL, and Dreambox.
6 - Kindergarten will use the school iPads to access the Dreambox program.
7 - Additional licenses will be purchased for district approved software programs i.e. IXL, Dreambox, or ALEKS as needed.
8 - $2,500.00 will be used to renew leases for Touch screen Chrombooks for grades 1st through 6th (ASCEND). The students will use these Chromebooks to access math programs such as IXL, Dreambox, and ALEKS.
Goal #2 Expenditure Areas
☐ School personnel stipends
☒ Professional learning
☐ Additional school employees
☐ Social and emotional learning support
☐ College and career readiness skills
☐ Student leadership development
☒ Technology
☐ Before – or after – school programs
☐ Community support programs or partnerships
☐ Early childhood education
☐ Class size reduction strategies
☐ other Click or tap here to enter text.
Goal # 2 Measures of Success:
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
1 - We will use SGA scores three times a year to determine if students kindergarten through 6th grade are making adequate yearly progress. At least 80% of our students will make at leaset 45% growth or higher or achieve 100% on the SGA.
2- RISE Benchmarks data will be used to determine Tier II and Tier III interventions for students.
3 - Common Formative assessments will be used at least weekly to determine Tier II and Tier III intervention and / or enrichment.
4- Data from district approved programs will be discussed at weekly PLCs to determnie teaching interventions and enrichment activities for all students using the Utah Common Core Standards.
Goal #3
At least 80% of the students in grades kindergarten through 6th grade, who meet with the Mental Health Specialist will learn how to self-regulate, use coping skills, and focus on self-care.
Goal #3 Action Steps
1- $3,700.00 will be used to cover the cost of a District Mental Health Specialis who will be hired to help our students who are struggling with Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and self regulation.
2 - $300.00 will be used to purchase a $1.00 per student license from the district approved Panorama program for grades 3rd -6th.
Goal #3 Expenditure Areas
☐ School personnel stipends
☐ Professional learning
☒ Additional school employees
☒ Social and emotional learning support
☐ College and career readiness skills
☐ Student leadership development
☒ Technology
☐ Before – or after – school programs
☐ Community support programs or partnerships
☐ Early childhood education
☐ Class size reduction strategies
☐ other Click or tap here to enter text.
Goal #3 Measures of Success
Include a description of how progress toward the goals will be measured.
1- We will collect data on how many students our Mental Health Specialist will be working with each month.
2 - We will track when the Mental Health Specialist is finished working with them, if the students can self-regulate on their own.
3- Panorama will be used for tracking and gathering the data on behaviors, attendance, and Social / Emotional Learning (SEL) across Tier I, Tier II and Tier III supports from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
Stakeholder Involvement
Who was involved in developing this plan? (Please right click on the checkbox(es) below and select the checkmark icon for each applicable stakeholder group.)
☒ Educators
☒ Collaborative Leadership Team
☒ Administrators
☒ Students
☒ Community Council Members
☒ Parents
☒ Support Professionals
☒ Other
Weber School District