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School Policies

Elementary Practices and Procedures Attendance:  ❖ Contact the office if your student will be absent or late for any reason.   Your child’s progress, both academic and social, is influenced to a great extent by participation. Regular attendance without tardiness is a key to promoting a positive learning experience and habits of lifelong learning.  The learning environment is often interrupted by students who are tardy or checked out early. Please do everything possible to reduce these interruptions. Late students must check-in with the office. In order to guarantee the...

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Superintendent Summer Math & Reading

Did you know that having a solid reading & math foundation is vital for your child's academic and future success?  *A note from our Superintendent, Gina Butters Superintendent’s Summer Reading Program 2024- 2025  Students: Because we know that reading is the most important skill you can develop, your teachers, principal and I encourage you to read this summer.   Parents: We recognize that family involvement in education is crucial for children to succeed in school and life. Please read with your children daily. Spend time discussing the stories,  characters,...

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PLC Team

PLC Team “The game is never more important than the people you play with.”   Debra Demaline Maxted Catherine Hacking P.E. Mistie Lundell Library

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