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Parent Meeting Summary 5/30/24

Dear Roosevelt Families,

This is a summary of the parent meeting held on May 30, 2024 at the District Office to share information and get feedback.  

  • We introduced Heather Hales new Roosevelt Principal.
  • Hosting Schools where Roosevelt students will attend next year.

Kindergarten - Burch Creek

1st Grade - H. Guy Child

2nd Grade - Washington Terrace

3rd Grade - Burch Creek

4th Grade - H. Guy Child

5th Grade - Washington Terrace

6th Grade - Uintah

  • Construction Update
    • The new Roosevelt building is on track to be completed as scheduled.  We have moved out of the old building and it is currently being demolished.  Franklin has been moved to our warehouse waiting for his new home in the new building.
  • Transportation
    • We are currently engaged in talks with the LDS Church about two of their churches to determine the possibility of using their locations as bus stops.  They are located at 125 East 5350 South and 350 West 5100 South. Pick up would consist of buses stopping curbside and children lining up on the sidewalk.
  • Safe Walking Routes
    • Students attending Washington Terrace are in the walk zone.  Therefore second and fifth grade students would not catch a bus but would walk.
    • Lane Findlay, our community relations specialist has been and is currently working with Washington Terrace on safe walking routes with crossings and crossing guards.

  • Back to School Night
    • August 19th from 4:00 to 6:00 at hosting school
  • Parent Teacher Conferences will be held at the one location.  That location will be determined.

We appreciated meeting with you and  hearing your feedback.  Please continue to check your email for more information to come.  Thank you for your support and patience as we go through this process.  

Kind regards,

Mary Jo Williams
Kirt Swalberg
Heather Hales